Thursday, 10 September 2015


Some men have a family history of prostate cancer or other factors that put them at risk, but many men are able to prevent prostate cancer through lifestyle, diet, and exercise. Lower your risk of being diagnosed by following these 6 ways to prevent prostate cancer.

Drink Green Tea:

Men living in Japan have some of the lowest rates of prostate cancerin the world; but Japanese men living in the U.S. have about the same prostate cancer rates as other men. That means that something about the Japanese lifestyle is prostate friendly. There are a lot of factors that play into this. They have a low obesity rate, they eat a lot of fish, they manage stress well, they walk more than men in the U.S., and they have a diet low in processed foods. One thing that stands out though is their high consumption of green tea.

Components of green tea are being studied for their effects on health.These include:

*xanthine derivatives
*epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)

There’s now some evidence to support that these compounds found in green tea may prevent the development of prostate cancer. In a review published by Chinese Medicine, researchers found a decreased risk of prostate cancer among men who consumed more than 5 cups of green tea per day.

Get Moving

Exercise is one of the most important ways to prevent prostate cancer. The research on exercise and prostate cancer shows that exercise can make a big difference in preventing prostate cancer and reducing the risk for aggressive prostate cancer.

Exercise is also good for overall longevity. Researchers from several top universities found that men who did at least three hours per week of vigorous physical activity (like jogging, playing tennis, cycling, and swimming) had a 61% lower risk for dying from prostate cancer.

A doctor at the Duke University Prostate Center and the VA Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, evaluated 190 men who hadbiopsies for possible prostate cancer. After the doctor looked at the results and accounted for the patients’ age, weight, race, body mass index,prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, and several other factors, he found that the men who exercised the equivalent of three to six hours of walking per week were two-thirds less likely to have their biopsy result be positive for prostate cancer. The risk for aggressive prostate cancer went down with movement as well. Men who exercised the equivalent of only one to three hours of walking each week had an 86 % lower risk of having an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Now that’s motivating.

Exercise has other health benefits for men as well. Exercising regularly helps fight obesity, which is another risk factor for prostate cancer. Exercise also encourages better prostate health beyond prostate cancer. It helps prevent and relieve other prostate conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) andprostatitis. Exercise also promotes better cardiovascular health and helps relieve stress.

Eat Cancer-Killing Foods:
What you choose to put in your body can make a difference in preventing prostate cancer. You can make a difference by consuming foods and nutrients that are known to have anticancer properties. There are manynatural cancer killersyou can eat or take in supplement form to support your own body’s immunity and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The top cancer fighters include lycopene (an antioxidant in tomato products)green tea, turmeric/curcumin,vitamin D, pomegranate, asian mushrooms, cruciferous vegetables, cayenne, and more. You should replace animal fats with heart-healthy oils such as those found in olives, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Legumes and Soybeans

Legumes such as beans, peanuts, and lentils all contain biologically active plant compounds known as phytoestrogens.Isoflavones are one such phytoestrogen. They may contain cancer-fighting properties. This could suppress tumor growth in prostate cancer cells.

While there’s still a need for more conclusive research, the preliminary research reported by theNational Cancer Instituteshows a link between the consumption of soy and reduced levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a protein produced by your prostate; the PSA test measures the level of PSA in your blood and is used as a screening test for prostate cancer. This research also seemed to indicate soy was more effective when it was eaten in combination with other cancer-fighting foods.

Tomatoes and Other Red Foods

Tomatoes, watermelon, and other red foods owe their bright color to a powerful antioxidant called lycopene.In a review of 11 studies published in theJournal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, researchers found that men who ate more tomatoes and tomato-based products, both raw and cooked, were less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Other findings suggest that cooking tomatoes makes it easier for your body to absorb lycopene. The redder the tomato, the better because lycopene accumulates during ripening. That means that pale, store-bought tomatoes that are picked too early have less lycopene than vine-ripened tomatoes.

The Power of Fruits and Veggies:

Nutrients and vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables may lower your risk of getting prostate cancer. Green vegetables contain compounds that help your body break down cancer-causing substances called carcinogens. A nutrient-rich diet may also help slow the spread of cancer. By eating fruits and vegetables throughout the day, one would be less likely to fill up on processed junk food.

Controversial Foods


Some studies suggest that low folate levels in your blood increase your risk for cancer, says theNational Cancer Institute. Folate is found in a variety of foods, including green vegetables, beans, and orange juice. Increasing your intake of these foods may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, supplementing with folic acid, a man-made form of folate, may increase the risk of cancer.


Somestudies have linked dairy products, or diets high in calcium, with an increased risk of prostate cancer, but this risk is considered minimal.

Eat More Fish

Eating oily fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids once a weekmay reduce your risk for prostate cancer by 63%. Look for fish and seafood such as wild salmon (avoid farmed fish), tuna, herring, anchovies, and oysters. Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids are among thetop 5 foods for men over 40.

Avoid Foods That Cause Cancer

Knowing what to eat is important, but knowing what to not to eat is also important. Keep cancer-causing substances out of your body. You can drink gallons of pomegranate juice, but it is not going to make any difference if you are using it to wash down unhealthful foods like French fries, doughnuts, and bacon. Avoid eating red meat, processed meat, and well-done meat cooked at high temperatures (which can cause carcinogens to form).

Fried foods are particularly harmful to prostate health as well as to maintaining a healthy weight. Avoid milk and dairy products. You should also be aware of chemicals in your food. While processed tomatoes are very good your for prostate, the bisphenol-A (BPA) found in the lining of cans are not. The BPA from the can lining can leach into tomatoes. This chemical may be associated with an increased risk of cancer and other male health problems.

Manage Stress

Many experts say that stress may play a role in the formation of cancer because it triggers an immune system response that can initiate uncontrollable cell mutation. The mind has an amazing power to affect your immune system. It is important to find ways to manage your stress to protect your health and prevent prostate cancer. Figure out what activities reduce your stress level, and do them regularly. You might findmeditationto be effective, while others may prefer working out, going for a run, doing yoga, or even practicing tai chi. Stress also affects your whole-body health, so learning to manage it is good for more than just your prostate.

Get Your Prostate Checked

In addition to following the above easy 6 ways to prevent prostate cancer, you should also get screened for prostate cancer by getting a prostate exam and a PSA test. Also, get to know your ownrisk factors for prostate cancer. If you have a family history of prostate cancer or are African American, you should check checked at an earlier agethan other men. Talk to your doctor about when you should start getting screened for prostate cancer because certain factors put you at an increased risk for aggressive prostate cancer. Detecting and treating prostate cancer early will give you the best chance of beating this disease. Even if you do find out that you have prostate cancer, it will be more important than ever to keep exercising, eating well, and managing your stress.

Recent Studies:

Some early research has found that in men with a rising PSA level after surgery or radiation therapy, drinking pomegranate juice or taking a pomegranate extract may slow the time it takes for the PSA level to double. Larger studies are now looking for possible effects of pomegranate juices and extracts on prostate cancer growth.
Some encouraging early results have also been reported with flaxseed supplements. One small study in men with early prostate cancer found that daily flaxseed seemed to slow the rate at which prostate cancer cells multiplied. More research is needed to confirm this finding.
Another study found that men who choose not to have treatment for their localized prostate cancer may be able to slow its growth with intensive lifestyle changes. The men in the study ate a vegan diet (no meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products) and exercised frequently. They also took part in support groups and yoga. After one year the men saw, on average, a slight drop in their PSA level. It isn’t known if this effect will last since the report only followed the men for 1 year. The regimen may also be hard to follow for some men.
A recent study showed that taking soy supplements after surgery (radical prostatectomy) for prostate cancer did not lower the risk of the cancer coming back.

Effect of Ejaculation on Prostate Cancer

How exactly could ejaculation protect against cancer? The orgasm itself has protective benefits, Dr. Rider said. Research shows the hormones oxytocin and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are released during orgasm; oxytocin has the power to lower blood pressure in women, reducing their risk for cardiovascular disease at the same time, while DHEA has been linked to lower risk for breast and cervical cancer.

Although breast cancer is rare in men, BBC reported, Greek resarchers found men who had fewer than six orgasms per month were significantly more likely to develop breast cancer. Additionally, increased levels of DHEA have been shown to improve memory, boost brain function, as well as also lower risk for cardiovascular disease. So these chemicals released during orgasm, not so much ejaculation itself, could account for improved health.

Another theory is that if sperm is regularly cleaned out to allow new cells to develop, it helps to flush out old cells and stop the build-up of old ones that could turn cancerous.

A medical expert, Dr. Rotimi Adesanya, said it is true that orgasm helps to rid the system of old cells that have the tendency of being cancerous, and that the more the orgasm the more the old cells and the fluid in the prostate gland are replaced, making it less likely for prostate cancer to happen.

He said, “When there is orgasm, the man will ejaculate, thereby releasing the sperm that is being stored, and the more the sperm is being stored, the more the possibility of it being cancerous. But when the person is not ejaculating, those fluid will remain there and it is a possibility for something like that to happen, because even the prostate gland will not be able to release its fluid.

“But if it’s being released periodically and being replaced by old cells and new fluids, it is less likely that prostate cancer will happen.”


Kenfield SA et al. Physical activity and survival after prostate cancer diagnosis in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study.J Clin Oncol2011 Feb 20; 29(6): 726-32.

Aronson, W. (2011, October 25). You are what you eat: Low-fat, fish, oil diet slows growth of prostate cancer cells. Retrieved from

Foods that fight cancer (n.d.). Retrieved from

Chen, J., Song, Y., & Zhang, L. (2013). Lycopene/tomato consumption and the risk of prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies [Abstract].Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 59(3), 213-223. Retrieved from

Liu, J., Xing, J., & Fei, Y. (2009). Green tea (Camellia sinensis) and cancer prevention: A systematic review of randomized trials and epidemiological studies.Chinese Medicine, 3, 12. Retrieved from

Prostate cancer, nutrition, and dietary supplements. (2015, April 13). Retrieved from


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